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Harpenden History Society

About the Society

The Harpenden & District Local History Society has:

  • A new Museum in the Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park.  Open 11am to 3pm every Saturday and also, subject to volunteers being available, on Tuesdays and Thursday.
  • An Archive comprising an extensive collection of maps, photographs and artefacts relating to the past history of Harpenden which are housed in the Archive Room, part of Harpenden Museum.
  • Evening meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8pm - see our website for venue.
  • Three Newsletters a year containing photographs and articles relating to historical events in and around Harpenden. 
  • A Website of over 1,000 pages of articles and photographs available to browse.
  • 50 years of its own history.
  • Put on Harpenden Local History Day on 20 April 2024 attracting attendance of 1,200.
  • A thriving band of trustees and volunteers.
  • A mission to educate the public in the local history of Harpenden.
  • An aim to make a valuable contribution to the cultural life of Harpenden.
  • Ambition to broaden and deepen research and our activities.
  • Approaching 400 members and ambition to continue to grow its membership.
  • An ongoing need for volunteers to join the Museum rota, to engage in research or join in helping to run our expanding range of activities. 
  • As a charity with a long-term lease on our museum space with 10 trustees and 35 existing volunteers we are, in effect, a small business with all the challenges, processes and opportunities that entails. 
  • Accordingly, the range of skills we can use is wider than one might expect! 
  • Join us and become part of Harpenden’s History.


Volunteers Required

We are always looking for more volunteers. 

Contact Details