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Community Garden

Community Garden

The Plot 31 Community Garden is a  wonderful outdoor space for local people to enjoy and is based on the allotments in Batford. We offer a free gardening club where we grow flowers, fruit and vegetables. Volunteers are encouraged to get involved, de-stress, keep active and most importantly enjoy the outdoors and the company of others as they garden.

Our volunteers get to keep some of the harvest; we also sell some flowers to generate income for the community garden and we grow vegetables to support the local food. For more information and to see photos of the garden please click here.

Volunteers Required

We are always looking for people who would like to work alongside us at the garden - no experience necessary!

During the year there may be other opportunities such as covering stalls, helping at open days or working on marketing so please do still get in touch if you'd like to be involved but digging is not for you.

Contact Details

Please email flowers@plot31.co.uk or telephone Louise on  07790614789